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Worldwide Distribution and Service

Below you will find an overview of all authorized Luminox distributors and service centers. Only partners listed here have permission to sell or repair our watches.


In order to be able to guarantee you the best possible service, we work together with local distributors in many countries. Please make sure that your watch comes either directly from one of our distributors or from an official retailer. Products purchased from an unlicensed party are void of any warranty and will not be accepted by some service centers.

If we do not have a distribution partner in your country, you are always welcome to contact us directly with your request.


If your watch needs service, please contact one of our worldwide authorized service centers. The watch will be serviced in accordance with the terms of the warranty if a valid warranty certificate and proof of purchase are presented with the watch. If there is no authorized service center in your country, please contact the service center of another country. Please note that having your watch serviced by another party will void its warranty.